I had a lot of veggies to use up so this seemed like a fun thing to do with them. Here's how to do it:

I grated up potatoes,, carrots, a yellow squash, and about half of a red onion. This can of course be altered to whatever amount you are making. I added a couple eggs, flour, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, and a little Worcestershire sauce. I combined everything formed it into little cakes and let them fry in a little olive oil on a medium skillet. They took a while for the vegetables to cook all the way and get nice and brown, but turned out alright. Next time I am going to fill the skillet with about 1 inch of of oil and a do more of a deep fried version for a more crispy treat. And a faster cooking time. I added a dollop of sour cream and a homemade pesto sauce for fun. Here is the recipe for my pesto. It's pretty basic.
1/2 c basil
1/2 c parsley
2 cloves garlic
2/3 T pine nuts
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 c Parmesan cheese
olive oil
Again, portions can be changed according to taste. Put everything except olive oil in a food processor. When everthing is minced, slowly pour in enough olive oil with the machine running to make a nice sauce. It really packs a punch, so a little goes a long way. It can be used to just toss with pasta, hot or cold, a bread dipping sauce or with any meat. It's great to have on hand and freezes well if you don't use it up in a couple weeks.
Very interesting!
i don't know if you remember me, but i went to highschool with you (stacey holland). anyway, i saw your blog htrough mutal friends...and i can't believe what an amazing cook you are. I like to cook, but I am no where near your talent. im excited i found your food blog and i can't wait to try out some of your food!!
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